Remote Legal Proceedings
Renzi Legal Resources is providing solutions to assist litigators and their staff in advancing remote depositions and other legal proceedings by providing the following:
• A remote in-camera NJ Certified Court Reporter (CCR)
• Equipment consultation (NO special software downloads are needed)
• Working with attorneys and staff to educate and implement remote technologies
• Checks and tests prior to events
• Coordinating contact information for identifications and meeting invitations
• Distributing meeting invitations
• IT setup, support and security monitoring throughout the entire proceeding
• Collecting and distributing electronic documents and exhibits in advance
• Remotely marking exhibits
• Screen sharing and screen takeover capabilities
• Chat features
• Remote Video De Bene Esse depositions
• Email notification when transcripts and marked exhibits are available for viewing
and download from RLR’s secure web repository
On behalf of everyone at RLR, we wish you safety and wellness, and we thank you for
your continued loyalty and support.
Please contact us for a FREE demonstration

Thank you very much for your efforts and the efforts of the team at Renzi Legal Resources in facilitating our recent remote videoconferencing deposition. During these tumultuous times, it’s reassuring to know that we can rely upon Renzi to provide a seamless platform that allows our firm to continue to perform in the remote working environment. It is clear that you guys are ahead of the curve in providing solutions to the challenges that all firms and businesses are currently facing. Again, I appreciate your assistance in undertaking all the legwork necessary to make our recent videoconference deposition run so smoothly.
All the best,
C. Robert Luthman