Are you in a career path that requires you to work closely with a certified court reporter? If so, then you might feel anxious and nervous if it is your first time encountering such an experience. However, working with a court reporter does not have to be a nerve-wracking ordeal. As long as you follow the expected rules of engagement, you will certainly have a wonderful experience working with a certified court reporter.
Notably, most young professionals working in close correspondence with court reporters are usually oblivious of the expected conduct. If you feel like this applies to you, then worry not. In order to make your experience smooth and enjoyable, there are a number of guidelines that you should follow. These include:

Ensure that the Court Reporter is as Close to the Witness as Possible
You need to make sure that the court reporter is sitting in close proximity to the witness. This allows them to hear everything said, and record the correct information.
State the Information that is Meant to go on or off the Record
Since the court reporter is tasked to note down information that is going on permanent record, you need to clearly state what is going on record and off the record. This will eliminate the need for the court reporter to speak when the court proceedings are going on.
Maintain a Reasonable Pace When Speaking
The court reporter must hear every single word that is said during a legal proceeding. When speaking, therefore, you need to keep a pace that is neither too fast nor slow, so that the court reporter can follow what you are saying easily and record the correct information.
Provide the Correct Spellings of Words
If there are any legal or medical terminologies mentioned during a legal proceeding, you should give the correct spellings of the words used. This will allow the court reporter to record accurately.
Always Communicate Verbally
Court reporters can only record information that is conveyed through words. Ensure that you answer all questions using words rather than non-verbal cues and gestures.
Take Frequent Breaks When Necessary
Writing down legal proceedings requires a lot of concentration. If a court reporter becomes fatigued, their focus can be significantly reduced, making them more likely to record inaccurate information. It is therefore advisable to take breaks in between proceedings to refresh and rejuvenate.
Communicate Your Needs to Your Court Reporter
If you have any special requests to make for instance, possible delays in attending a legal proceeding, you should alert the court reporter in advance. By communicating your needs early enough, the court reporter will be able to accommodate your wishes much more easily so that everything runs smoothly.
In Conclusion
Working with a certified court reporter is not as difficult and stressful as it is often cut out to be. By applying these general rules of etiquette, you can make your experience working with a court reporter very enjoyable and insightful.