legal resources

how to become a court reporter

Becoming a Court Reporter – What You Need to Know

  Court reporting is a specialized profession that plays a crucial role in the legal system by providing accurate transcriptions of court proceedings, depositions, and other legal communications. Court reporters capture every word spoken during these events, using shorthand or stenotype machines to ensure a precise record. This role is vital not only for the […]

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effective email marketing strategies for legal services

Effective Email Marketing Strategies for Legal Services

  Email marketing stands as a cornerstone in legal services marketing, offering a direct and personal channel to communicate with existing and potential clients. Its importance cannot be overstated, as it allows law firms to maintain continuous engagement with their client base and serves as an efficient tool for educating and updating them on legal

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Technology Benefits in Court Reporting

  No doubt, technology has become an integral part of the court reporting processing. The same way you see self-checkout machines at grocery stores and libraries is equivalent to the robotics and voice recognition systems available in modern courts. Courtroom staff can utilize various machines and automated robotics in more ways than ever before. The

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What’s So Great About Realtime Reporting? 

  Real-time reporting has made court reporting more efficient than ever before. So what does real-time court reporting entail? It simply involves the instant conversion of stenotype shorthand into English. The resultant English version is often forwarded immediately to the attorney for use in litigation.   Real-time court reporting enables stenographers to efficiently avail a

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