
Why Difficulty Booking a Court Reporter is a Red Flag

  As an attorney, you understand the value of your time and the importance of paying attention to detail. As such, you want to work with court reporters who share these values. Unfortunately, despite court reporting being such a popular career path, finding a reliable court reporter who is certified and knowledgeable in your area

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Are Court Reporters Old Fashioned?

  We are right in the middle of the digital age, and just about everything is in the process of being digitized. The world looks markedly different today than it was ten years ago, with wireless charging systems, self-driving cars, and fold-able smartphones replacing their preceding technologies almost entirely. Court reporters stick out like a sore

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What is the Purpose of Having a Deposition?

  Depositions are significant for defense attorneys, whether in civil or criminal suits. If you are required to do a deposition, your lawyer and the court staff will pepper you with instructions and advice on what to wear, how to act, and things you shouldn’t do on the day. This may leave you wondering just how

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How To Prepare For Your First Deposition as a Court Reporter

  Every aspiring court reporter looks forward to the day they can practice the skills they’ve learned in the classroom. Preparing for your first deposition as a certified court reporter can be an anxiety-inducing experience. As much as you have the skills, you might struggle with confidence and worry about messing up your big day.   

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How To Choose The Right Court Reporting Agency

  Are you in the market for a court reporting agency to work with on a case or looking to become a court reporter yourself? Well, we have good news for you!   Court reporting is a rewarding career that has been steadily growing in demand and shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

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professional courtroom presentation nj

Creating Professional PowerPoints For a Trial

  PowerPoint presentations are very commonplace in court depositions. In addition, experienced court reporters often employ these tools to help attorneys drive specific points home and make compelling arguments.    For this reason, the power of a professionally done PowerPoint presentation can hardly be overstated.    If you are wondering how to create an effective

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