Courtroom Equipment & Tech Tips For Large Venues

Tips for Tech and Courtroom Equipment in Large Venues

When it comes to a courtroom trial presentation in a large venue, are you prepared? A trial presentation involves a lot. Assembling equipment and getting your tech right is important when it comes to having a good presentation. In fact, trials today are not that different from those in the past. With plenty of tech

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video depositions

Court Depositions: What to Do and What Not to Do

Court depositions are witnesses’ sworn, out of court written or oral testimonies. They are used to gather evidence prior to the commencement of a trial. Moreover, depositions provide attorneys with vital information that they can use to predict how a case is likely to turn out.  The impact of court depositions cannot be understated. In

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best court reporting agency new jersey

What is Official Court Reporting

Court reporting is a large field that incorporates several job descriptions, ranging from closed captioning, to live sign language interpretation. It is worth noting that court reporters – no matter the subspecialty – go through the same training programs. However, it is only those that are appointed by the court (normally, highly skilled stenographers) that

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The Importance of a Permanent Court Record

If you tell anyone to name three essential people in a typical court process, you can be sure that ten out of ten people wouldn’t have court reporters in their lists. However, the truth is, court reporters are one of the vital elements of any fair and successful court proceeding. Judicial reporters are sometimes regarded

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experienced court reporting agency

Essential Traits to Develop as A Court Reporter

Certified court reporters are invaluable to the day-to-day business of the courts, particularly when it comes to record-keeping. If you wish to be a certified court reporter, or are working as one, you would admit that court reporting, despite being quite hard and unforgiving, is essential to the provision of justice. Whatever news agency, state,

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Our Guide To Being a Witness in Court

Unlike defendants and complainants, there are no set rules for being a witness in court. Moreover, the fact that most people have never testified in court or don’t have access to credible witness preparation tips makes it difficult to know the way forward when called upon. Accordingly, we’ve compiled the following list of the Do’s

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