courtroom trial deposition tips nj ny

Court Deposition Tips: What To Do & Not To Do

A deposition is an out-of-court oral statement given by witnesses under oath. Instead of a witness taking the witness stand to testify, a deposition takes place at a conference room or at an attorney’s office before a defense attorney, prosecutor and court reporter.  These oral statements allow the lawyers from both sides to learn the

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certified court reporter nj

How To Become a Certified Court Reporter

Do you dream of becoming a certified court reporter? Well, we have good news for you!  The demand for certified shorthand reporters is on an upward trajectory despite the various advancements in courtroom technology.  Certified stenographers and court reporters play an important role in maintaining a human aspect in reporting. They can request a witness

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courtroom trial presentation support nj

Tips for Professional PowerPoint Trial Presentations

Using PowerPoint presentations for a trial can make or break your chances of success in the courtroom. If your PowerPoint trial presentations are captivating, persuasive and professional, they can significantly influence the direction of the case. A shoddy job, on the other hand, will leave everyone staring into space, struggling to avoid falling asleep.  Since

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What Does the Future Hold for Court Reporting? 

Court reporting is easily one of the oldest careers in recorded human civilization and has been a path for so many people over the years. Indeed, court reporters have always been, and continue to be, held in high regard in and out of legal circles for their vital roles in judicial processes. In essence, they

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certified court reporter nj

Important Traits to Develop as a Court Reporter

Are you currently working as a court reporter or planning to join this profession? You are probably aware of just how essential the work of a court reporter is to the smooth running of government agencies.  Certified court reporters play a vital role when it comes to recording the proceedings of court cases and other

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certified court reporter new jersey

Benefits of Having a Court Reporter Certification

A career in court reporting can be very rewarding and fulfilling. This is especially true if you have the right certification. While it may not seem like a huge issue, becoming a certified court reporter actually allows you to enjoy plenty of benefits that may not be available to you if you don’t have the

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