office desk exercises

Exercises to Do at Your Desk

According to various studies, exercise can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as stroke, type 2 diabetes, and cancer by up to 50%. Despite these revelations, only a few people exercise regularly. This is mainly due to tight work schedules, which makes it difficult to create time for the gym.  Fortunately, we have good

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voice recognition vs certified realtime court reporter new jersey nj

Can Voice Recognition Technology Replace Certified Court Reporters?

Reporting court proceedings requires a high level of accuracy. Besides–remarks, witness testimonies and closings play a huge role in determining the verdict. Any mistake in the report may lead to a wrongful conviction, a mistrial, or an acquittal. For this reason, it is essential for the justice system to enlist certified stenographic court reporters.  With

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Court Reporters: Are They Old Fashioned?

We live in an era where there are more technological innovations than we can keep up with. Modern technologies, ranging from wireless charging systems to self-driving cars and virtual reality, make our world a completely different place from what it was two decades ago. It is therefore rather surprising that with all the modern IT

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Understanding Depositions

As a court reporter, depositions are part of the job. But what is a deposition– and why should you care? A deposition is something that every person ideally has a good working basic understanding of. Knowing what you’re contending with if you yourself have to deal with a deposition is key to being successful in

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Testimonial Image

Choosing a Court Reporting Agency

Are you thinking about becoming a certified court reporter or looking for an agency that offers these services? Court reporting is a flourishing career service that shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. That is why so many people end up getting trained, certified, and work in this career all over the nation and

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