Court Reporters: Valuable Assets in a Tech-Filled World
In the courtroom, and even in movies portraying legal dramas, most of the attention and focus is given to the attorneys, judges, juries, and the parties in the case. Rarely, if ever, does the wider audience pay attention to the folks seated in the background, furiously typing on seemingly old-fashioned typewriters. That, unfortunately, is
Multitasking Can Raise the Stress Level of a Court Reporter
As much as court reporting needs to be a focused and attentive job in court, most of them inadvertently find themselves multitasking while working. This act can have severe consequences, considering the nature of their work. However, it is not all doom, as some reporters benefit from doing multiple things alongside their work.
Our Best Tips Regarding Court Reporting
Arguably, no other job requires the amount of focus, concentration, and accuracy that court reporting does. Apart from being able to listen to and accurately record every word spoken in a courtroom, court reporters must know how to set up, operate, and make the most of their work equipment. What’s more, reporters also need
Why Are Court Reporters Necessary?
Unless you work in the legal system, you may not be very familiar with what being a court reporter entails. Sure, you might have a basic idea of what they do, but the nitty-gritty of their job description may not be entirely apparent to you. However, for those who work in the legal
How To Get Through A Long Deposition
When dealing with a complex case, there’s always a chance you’ll find yourself in a drawn-out deposition. Although deposition proceedings typically last a few hours, it is not uncommon for some cases to go on for days and even weeks. Therefore, if you’re looking to safeguard your clients’ interests, it helps to prepare
When Should A Witness Not Answer A Question in A Deposition?
During a deposition, the opposing attorney may ask questions meant to rile you up or embarrass you, break you down or get a damning reaction. Depending on how you respond, you may compromise your case, which is the last thing you want to happen. Fortunately, there is a way to handle this