Can Voice Recognition Technology Replace Court Reporters
Certified court reporters, though ridiculously underestimated, are a very essential cog in the wheels of justice of any jurisdictions they’re deployed in. However, like with many other professions, court stenographing is under increasing threat from modern technology, most notably advanced Voice Recognition technology. Many people in legal circles, particularly serving and aspiring court reporters,
How to Choose the Right Court Reporting Agency
Choosing the right court reporting agency can go a long way to ensure you receive quality services and accurate results. An experienced court reporter can help handle depositions and court reporting in a far much better way than a machine can. If you are scheduling a deposition, make sure you enlist a professional court reporting
How Video Depositions Can Help in Court
Sometimes, it may be impossible for witnesses to present their testimonies in person. This could be due to unforeseen reasons such as illness or out of state travel restrictions. Fortunately, with the emergence of video deposition services, key witnesses can now present their testimonies without having to make the trip to court. Besides, video depositions
Why Court Stenographers are Important
Following advancements in technology, the idea of replacing certified court reporters with hi-tech gadgets and machines has come up several times. In any case, technology has affected nearly all aspects of life, including matters to do with law and justice. Nevertheless, nothing beats the efficiency and accuracy of a real-time court reporter when it comes
Tips to Being a Witness in Court
It is highly likely that you’ve never been a witness in court, but when that time comes, you should be ready to provide your side of the story without panicking or messing up. Here are a few court witness tips that you can use for your big day in the corridors of justice. What You
3 Ways to Keep Your Workplace Clean During Coronavirus Scare
The Coronavirus pandemic is fast spreading across the globe, with the United States being among the countries worst hit by the outbreak of this disease. With this in mind, it is reasonably understandable that employers and employees are worried about how to curb the disease from spreading through the workplace. According to the Centers for